Thursday 21 April 2011

Saturated with His love

Nothing I will ever do,
good or bad,
will make God love me  less or love me more.
No one or anything,
will take His love away from me.
I'm saturated with His love.
I'm a daughter of the King
and that will never change.
Day and night He's here with me,
at work and at home
when I come and when I go,
He never leaves or lets me go.
I stumble and fail time and time again,
But now I've decided to get back up again,
because I'm 'getting it' more and more,
that unconditional love He has:
It's for me , and it never leaves.
He loves me just as much as the first day I said "hello Jesus, I'm yours now"
And He'll love me the just as much, no more no less,
 on the day I take my last breath and say "I'm coming Jesus to be with you now"
Through my fears and failures,
and through my up's and down's,
He'll never leave me, He'll never fail me,
His love abounds.
His love know NO end,
no matter what.
My God loves me,
and that is why I will ALWAYS get back up.
I choose today to believe that love
and tell you that it's not just for me,
God loves you to,
He's saying "come child, believe in me,
I will never ever leave you."
His love cries out,
it never fails,
never gives up
and keeps no record of wrongs done.
It keeps on forever and ever...
And that my friends, is God's love.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Real for Jesus

When I go to work, when I'm with friends, when I'm around strangers, when I'm at church....Am I being REAL? The past little while, God has been chipping away at this area in my life...the area of letting go and just being free to walk in His truth. The me He created me to be. To stop having expectations of myself and of others. To stop seeking to keep everyone else happy by 'giving' in and trying to keep everyone happy. A preacher on the radio today said "If we're going to be authentic Christians, we're not going to please everyone." It's impossible to be the real me if I'm always trying to be someone else around others just because I'm trying to 'people' please or 'sound' spiritual and use the fancy church lingo.
I know all the right things to say to people about God. I know all the things I shouldn't say. I know the church 'lingo'....but I want more. And people need more. I want to be real for God when I'm alone with Him and I want to be just as real when I'm around everyone else and not just because others may be watching but because I want to be authentic and sincere for Christ in all that I do.
What are we in it for? This thing called Christianity. Is it about the ministry we have, or the 'position' we might be in at this time. Or is our motive to some day have a large successful ministry and gain recognition? ....Or....are we going to open  our eyes and see the big picture. The one that goes beyond this life, this world, our own needs, dreams, and desires. Are we going to get the revelation that is Jesus. Once we simplify our life and focus on what really matters, the one and only thing that matters then we'll start to be real for Him.
I honestly don't want to care what other people think about me anymore. If I'm walking in truth, then the only one I really  need to please is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I'm not always going to do things the way people do things or the way they like things...because God made me to be me and not like anyone else. For example I'm a nurse...and I'm sure other nurses do things differently then me, better then me or with more experience then me. But should I beat myself up about it? No. Why? Because when I go to work, I ask God to come in and ask Holy Spirit to guide me, teach me, help me to let go of just being at 'work' and to be there for my residents. And God wants all of us to just be come before Him and be real with Him so that we can get to know the REAL Jesus.

God, help me to be real. When I go out and others are around me, I want your truth to seep into other people's lives because I'm being real for You. I want my life to stand out...and not for recognition or applause for being 'good' and 'spiritual' but to stand out because I'm living in truth, walking with an eternal perspective and not worldly. Help me Holy Spirit and guide me into all truth and thank  You for Your patience as I let go of me and take a hold of You....

Monday 4 April 2011

A changed life for Christ

I don't really have anything in particular that I want to write about today...I'm just sitting here in complete awe of God and how good He is. Meditating on how good He is and all that He's done in my life; the things He's brought me to and the things He's brought me through. How every thing in life that I've experienced has shaped who I am today and that God has been there through every single situation good and bad.
Before God, I was searching...searching for something that really MEANT something. I would find pleasure in things but before long, the 'excitment' would wear off leaving me feeling empty and in search again.
Ever since I've opened up my life to Jesus I've been healed physically of an orbital pseudo tumor, healed mentally from feeling that I was never quite good enough, delivered from bad habits- smoking ,drinking. And from all this I don't have a life of "rules"...I have a life of freedom and I'm amazed at how my life has changed. God is working on my heart and changing my attitudes, my selfishness....I'm realizing that things of the world, everything I can touch will one day be gone, all but God's Word- HIS KINGDOM. Everything I see everyday is all temporal and I'm excited for the eternal. There's so much more to life then what I see, so much more then my trials, so so so much more!
What a precious moment- the day I came to know Christ- the day I took that first baby's been a journey, I'm still not perfect, but I am soooooo excited to see where God leads me next!!!